Monday, February 28, 2011


Apply by: 10:00 am on Friday, March 4th, 2011

ACDI/VOCA is an international development organization seeking to hire an experienced Timorese Monitoring and Evaluation/Gender Coordinator for its U.S. Department of Agriculture funded Food for Progress Program. The position is based in Dili, Timor-Leste. Successful candidate will oversee ACDI/VOCA’s monitoring and evaluation plan, set up M&E systems, develop methodologies for data collection, analysis and reporting, monitor and track results and contribute to program reporting. Additional responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

§ Organizing and performing base line survey work

§ Collecting and analyzing training and technical data

§ Monitoring project activities and evaluating activity results

§ Participating in systematic evaluations of project activities

§ Preparing reports and compiling and publishing information and newsletter about mud crab and milk fish production

§ Developing a program gender strategy

§ Developing gender integration and plans with specific and practical methods to integrate gender in the program design and activities

Ideal candidate should have a university degree, relevant work experience in monitoring and evaluation and previous experience working with an international organization; computer experience and knowledge of Microsoft applications (Word, Excel, ACCESS and PowerPoint). The candidate should also have:

§ Good quantitative and qualitative research methods and survey design experience, including experience with statistical analysis and computer-based database

§ Experience in program monitoring and evaluation; and critical analysis, including writing reports

§ Strong communication skills, including verbal and writing skills in Tetum language. Good verbal and writing ability in English language preferred

§ Experience with gender analysis and integration

Salary will be based on candidate’s experience, skills, education, previous salary and work history.

Qualified candidates may e-mail an English version of their CV (resume), along with a cover letter stating their interest and three references (including names, work relationship and contact information) to Lizzie Weber, by 10:00am on Friday, March 4, 2011. Female candidates are equally encouraged to apply.

For 46 years and in 145 countries, ACDI/VOCA has empowered people in developing and transitional countries to succeed in the global economy. Our organization delivers technical and management assistance in agribusiness systems, financial services, enterprise development, community stabilization and development and food security in order to promote broad-based economic growth and vibrant civil society. Learn more about ACDI/VOCA by visiting our website at

Oportunidade Servisu

WASH Coordinator & WASH Promotion Officer

Oxfam iha opotunadede karere nebe diak iha Suai ba staff national. Oxfam fo salariu nebe kompetisaun no benefisiu, hanesan asuransia ba saude, contribusaun ba pension, annual leave no seluk tan

Oxfam suporta dezemvolvimento no servisu humanitarian iha Timor Leste durante tinan 30 no implementa programa multi sectoral servisu liu hosi parseru organizasaun communidade civil, communidade no governo. Programa Oxfam agora inclui servisu liu husi Objectivu mudansa hat (4) mak hanesan; Justisa ekonomia, service esensial, justisa generu no direitu iha crisis.

WASH Coordinator (Suai)

Cordenador WASH sei hare liu servisu WASH Oxfam nian iha Covalima no maneja staff Promosaun WASH. Posisaun ida nee se halo trenamentu no mentor ba staff parseiru atu desenhu, konstruksaun no maintain sustanablidade bee no fasilidadde saniamentu ba communidade iha area rurais iha Covalima. .

Candidatu nebe mak suksesu tengki iha criteria hanesan:
  • Comprendesaun konaba recursu be no ditribusaun sistema nebe relevante
  • Qualifikasaun edukasaun iha civil engineering ou relevante experensia
  • Iha esperensia desenhu, konstruksaun no monitoring infrastrutura publiku
  • Esperensia servisu iha konstrusaun igha comunidade rurais
  • Esperensia hanorin no mentor ema seluk
  • Sukat semen ou konstruksaun konkretu, kanalizasaun no
  • plumbing skills
  • Skill Computer nebe diak (email, Excel no word)
  • Koalia fluensia ligua Tetun no bahasa Indonesai (English vantagem liu)
  • Nasionalidade Timorense no ema nebe iha requerementu legal nebe buka servisu iha Timor Leste sei konsidera
  • Water Sanitation and hygiene Officer (Suai)

    Ofisias Promosaun WASH sei halo treinamento no mentor ba NGO local no sei promove hygiene nebe apropiadu no hahalok sanitasaun ba comunidade iha area rurais iha covalima ho focus ba treinamentu ba grupo uja be’e mos (kelompok pemakai air bersih/KPK) no motiva communidade atu halo fase liman fatin no sentina rasik. Ema nebe kaer posisaun ida nee sei contribui komunikasaun positive no fahe matenek nebe hetan ba staff no parseiru liu husi treinamentu, mentoring no monitorizasaun ba parseiru local NGO nia aktividade.

    Candidatu nebe suksesu tenki iha criteria hanesan:
  • Experiensia motiva communities atu halo fase liman fatin no sentina
  • Esperensia iha be,e sanitasaun no promosaun hygiene no edukasaun relevante
  • Komprendesaun grupu uja be mos ka KPA
  • Esperensia halo trainamentu ba comunidadde rurais no grupu uja bee/KPA no halo planu asaun comunidade
  • Esperensia partisipa iha desenhu, fasilita no mentoring trainamentu
  • Skill Computer nebe diak (email, Excel no word)
  • Koalia fluensia ligua Tetun no bahasa Indonesai (English vantagem liu)
  • Nasionalidade Timorense no ema nebe iha requerementu legal nebe buka servisu iha Timor Leste sei konsidera
Oinsa atu aplika: bele husu detail konaba desripsaun servisu no formulariu applikasaun husi Oxfam konaba posisaun nebe apropiadu husi Benigna Martins Sr. Human Resource Officer, liu husi e-mail , telephone +67-331-2605 ou foti husi kantor Oxfam iha Dili, Covalima no Oekussi. Favor nota hela katak ami sei konsidera ema nebe hatama Formulariu aplikasaun Oxfam no sei simu too loron Quarta 9 March 2011, oras 05.00 lokraik. Aplikasaun bele hatama liu husi E-mail ou lori ba kantor Oxfam nebe iha Timor-Leste

Sunday, February 27, 2011

POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT ACDI/VOCA is an international development organization seeking to hire an experienced Financial Manager for its U.S. Departm


ACDI/VOCA is an international development organization seeking to hire an experienced Financial Manager for its U.S. Department of Agriculture funded Food for Progress Program. Position is based in Dili, Timor-Leste and will manage the accounting, procurement, payroll, budget tracking, and financial reporting functions. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

§ Set up all accounting systems & oversee work of accounting assistant.

§ Handle day-to-day financial and accounting transactions, review payments requests and cash disbursements and ensure approvals and compliance with accounting policies and procedures.

§ Handle all vendors and suppliers accounts and prepare payroll payments for the local staff, including tax withholding and reporting.

§ Prepare general ledgers, accounts statements, trial balances, including invoices, journal entries and account reconciliation.

§ Prepare and submit complete, accurate and timely financial reports, including support documentation.

§ Track budget expenditures with global office and assist with financial planning of program resources.

§ Maintain excellent accounting standards and controls, including audit ready financial records and accounting systems; enforce rigorous accounting policies & procedures; and adhere to donor regulations.

Ideal candidate must have a bachelor's degree in Finance or Accounting, a minimum of five years accounting experience, and previous experience working in an international organization. Candidate must also have:

§ Knowledge of international accounting standards and practices.

§ General understanding of QuickBooks or other comparable accounting software and Excel spreadsheet applications.

§ Excellent administrative and organizational skills, including attention to accounting detail, computer know-how, and ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

§ Proficient verbal and written command of the English language.

§ High integrity, reliability and honesty.

Salary will be based on candidate’s experience, skills, education, previous salary and work history.

Qualified candidates may e-mail an English version of their CV (resume), along with a cover letter stating their interest and three references (including names, work relationship and contact information) to Lizzie Weber, Deadline for CVs is February 26, 2011. Position starts in March/April 2011. Female candidates are equally encouraged to apply.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Title: Medical Officer (Health Policy Adviser)

Vacancy Notice No: SEAR

Grade: P5

Contract type: Fixed-Term Appointment

Duration of contract: Two Years (limited duration)

Date: 24 February 2011

Application Deadline: 24 March 2011
(28 day(s) until closing deadline)
Currently accepting applications

Duty Station: Dili, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Organization unit: SEARO Regional Office for the South East Asia (SE/RGO) /
SE/DRD Office of Deputy Regional Director (SE/DRD)

To support the Government of Timor-Leste in developing national capacity in health sector in the country through strengthening health planning and management at all levels of the health system. To advise authorities on capacity building for planning, programming, operation, monitoring and evaluation of national plans for the strengthening of public and curative health services, human resource development, resource mobilization for health sector and donor coordination, health education, promotion, research capabilities in relevant areas, promote activities for national policy development for health for all and support in achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
Description of duties:
1.Assess national needs and support policy development, planning, implementation and evaluation of the national health programmes as follows:
a)To provide technical support to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health (MoH) to develop capacity and process within the MoH to anticipate and identify key health policy issues, undertake an analysis of these policies, make decisions and evaluate the effects of these policies on health development;
b)To technically support the MoH in the development of the capacity in health information system, health financing, planning and management; institutional capacity building and structured coaching and mentoring of national counterparts;
c)To strengthen the planning capacity in the MoH to ensure that policy decisions are reflected in the short, medium and long-term plans and budgets of the Ministry;
d)To provide technical assistance to the MoH in developing appropriate health legislations that are closely linked to policy development; and
e)To promote the formulation and establishment of standards for the programming, operation, monitoring and evaluation of national plans for the strengthening of public health capacities and national health facilities.
2.Promote innovative management process and mechanism for programme planning and evaluation as follows:
a)Support the development of methodologies for the formulation, execution, monitoring, and evaluation of programmes for preventive and curative health services and control of damage and risk;
b)Promote and support establishment of norms and standards for the functional programming and operation of hospitals, health services networks and other health facilities and services; and
c)Provide technical support for the development of health systems and services, with emphasis on the structure and operation of local health systems that provide a setting for the joint participation of the public sector, social security system, the private sector and governmental agencies.
3.Provide assistance to MoH in mobilising resources for heatlh sector as follows:
a)To technically support the Ministry in developing policies and priorities for donor assistance and mechanisms to monitor implementation of donor projects;
b)To support MoH to establish an effective process for donor coordination and analysis of the needs and priorities, notes the comparative advantages of various donor agencies to maximize the benefits to health development; and
c)Supervise development of project proposals for funding.
4.Perform any other related duties as assigned by the WR.
Achievement activities include: With the country focus initiative in mind, the incumbent acts as a policy adviser. He/she is expected to provide effective technical support to the national authorities for strengthening the health sector development in Timor-Leste.
Degree in Medicine. In addition, advanced university degree (Masters' degree in Health Management and Administration or other health related areas).

Desirable: Training in Planning and Management of Health Systems.

1. Communicating in a credible and effective way.
2. Producing results.
3. Building and promoting partnership across the organization and beyond.
4. Ensuring the effective use of resources.
5. Creating an empowering and motivating environment.
Demonstrated knowledge in management of all aspects of health care delivery; demonstrated skills in leadership, management, negotiations and diplomacy.
Desirable: Knowledge of WHO programmes and policies.
At least 10 years of experience in managing health systems, including management experience in developing countries.

Desirable: Extensive experience in a health services management including at least three years at senior management level in developing country.
Excellent knowledge of English to communicate with national officials and other agencies.

Desirable: Knowledge of other UN official languages and/or the language of the duty station (Bahasa Indonesia, Portuguese or Tetum).
Annual salary: (Net of tax)
US$ 80,629 at single rate
US$ 86,791 with primary dependantsPost Adjustment: 45.5 % of the above figure(s). This percentage is to be considered as indicative since variations may occur each month either upwards or downwards due to currency exchange rate fluctuations or inflation.

A written test and interviews may be used as a form of screening

Online applications are strongly encouraged to enable WHO to store your profile in a permanent database. Please visit WHO's e-Recruitment website at: The system provides instructions for online application procedures.
All applicants are encouraged to apply online as soon as possible after the vacancy has been posted and well before the deadline stated in the vacancy announcement.

WHO is committed to workforce diversity.
Any appointment/extension of appointment is subject to WHO Staff Regulations, Staff Rules and Manual. Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.



in the Administration Section

The Delegation of the European Union in Dili is looking for a secretary - receptionist for its Administration Section.

The Job description can be obtained free of charge at the Delegation of the European Union or by email at the address as mentioned hereafter.

Interested candidates should send their application letter and up-to-date edited/typed curriculum vitae with copy of certificates, by mail or email. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Applications can be sent or delivered until:
Friday, 4 March 2011 at 14:00 PM

At the following address:
Delegation of the European Union in Timor-Leste
Avenida Presidente Nicolau Lobato, Acait, Dili


Support ETAN in 2011. Make a contribution here
Thank you for your support.

John M. Miller, National Coordinator
East Timor & Indonesia Action Network (ETAN)
PO Box 21873, Brooklyn, NY 11202-1873 USA
Phone: +1-718-596-7668 Mobile phone: +1-917-690-4391
Email: Skype: john.m.miller


Send a blank e-mail message to to find out how to learn more about East Timor and Indonesia on the Internet

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Embassy of the United States of America

The U.S. Embassy in Dili is seeking an individual for the position of Public Affairs Specialist in its Public Affairs Section located at Rua Praia dos Coqueiros Dili, Timor-Leste.

POSITION: Public Affairs Specialist (Trainee)


Incumbent serves as the Embassy’s public affairs specialist providing a full range of advice and support on media-related issues. The media specialist reviews and analyzes the press; select articles to translate; writes, edits and/or translate press releases; writes media reaction cables; investigates developments in the press/media field, organizes press events for the Ambassador, Embassy officials, and high-level visitors.


1) University degree in journalism, communications, international relations, political science, etc. 2) Two years experience in the field of journalism, international relations or public affairs; 3) Level V of English; 4) Level V of Tetum and Bahasa

WHO MAY APPLY: Local nationals or anyone with the required permits and documentation to legally seek employment in Timor-Leste.

HOW TO APPLY: Complete DS-174 (Universal Application for Employment). Application forms and detailed Position Description are available at the US. Embassy Rua Praia dos Coqueiros Dili, Timor-Leste. Applicants may also attach a resume or CV which contains the same information as required in form DS-174.

An attractive salary and fringe benefits package will be commensurate with candidate’s qualifications and experience.


Human Resources Office, Attention: Recruitment American Embassy, Rua Praia dos Coqueiros Dili, Timor-Leste

E-mail: or Fax: +670-3313206



Job Vacancy

Job Vacancy

Highland Crops Coordinator to Rural Development Project in Liquiçá III -
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor-Leste
ETEA Foundation for Development and Cooperation

February 2011


The ETEA Foundation for Development and Cooperation is a university centre
for researching, training and action in the cooperation and development
field. ETEA Foundation was created in 2002 to ensure sustainability and
growth of ETEA’ International Cooperation Program started in 1988. The
ETEA Foundation in East Timor is providing technical assistance to the
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) in order to implement Rural
Development Project in Liquiçá District (RDPL).

The RDPL is a bilateral project between the Government of East Timor and
Spain. The RDPL aims to contribute to rural development with a gender
perspective through improving income levels and employment of the
population in Liquiçá District by increasing agricultural production,
processing and marketing of agriculture produces. The project has three
main components defined by the different agro-ecological areas with an
existing potential for developing diverse crops and value chains.
Particularly the Highland Crop Component has the aim of improving coffee
plantations and production and processing techniques in Liquiçá Highlands.


Position: Highland Crops (Coffee) Coordinator
Supervision: Project Management Unit
Location: Liquiçá District, East Timor
Duration: 12 months (April 2011- March 2012)
Salary: USD 3.900 USD/month

- Management and coordination of the Component Team formed by project
technicians and extension workers.
- Training of project’ technicians, extension workers, and coffee farmers
using different methodologies (i.e. through direct training, farmer to
farmer training, and training o trainees’ methodology. This includes
developing a training booklet.
- Establish and maintain productive and positive relationships with local
officials and leaders, communities and other stakeholders.
- Socialization of the project. Promote project activities in the area of
influence and increase the awareness about the importance of coffee
production and processing techniques.
- Organize groups of coffee farmers at community level.
- Renovation of Coffee plantations and introduction of complementary crops
with economic value. This includes developing a monitoring system of
plantation management.
- Develop and maintenance of coffee community nurseries network
- Installation and maintenance of Community Coffee Processing Units.
- Creation of a Community Coffee Storage Centers to facilitate coffee
processing and marketing.
- Ensure monthly submission of technical report and support the Project
Coordinator in the preparation of the quarterly progress reports.
- Regularly attend Project Coordination meetings, providing technical
expertise and insights for project implementation as well as technical
assistance and analysis to identify viable strategies for the enhancement
of sustainable agriculture production systems.

– University degree/bachelor in agronomy/agricultural sciences or related
– Master degree/specialization/
demonstrated knowledge in tropical crops
development, particularly in coffee;
– Work experience in development contexts (minimum 3 years), experience in
Asian countries is an asset;
– Work experience with community based farmers groups and promotion of
agriculture technical change;
– Preparedness to work in a cross-cultural environment;
– Ability to work in a flexible, team-based manner;
– Excellent oral and written communication skills;
– Experience in community education/outreach training;
– Experience in project design, implementation and monitoring;
– Fluency in written and spoken English essential with Tetum or Bahasa
Indonesia and Portuguese desirable;
– Computer literacy in MS Office packages and other programs

- Interested applicants should: submit CV in English and Letter of Interest.
- Please send the documents to: Magda Duarte Mora, E mail: indicating in the subject “Highland Crops
- Deadline for submission: Monday 28 February 2011, by 6 pm.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview
Applications will not be returned

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Senior Economist

Senior Economist

Economic Policy

Dili, Timor-Leste

International Hire

Closing Date 10-Mar-2011

Language Requirements English [Essential]

Background / General description

The East Asia and Pacific Region presents a dramatic illustration of
the principal global dynamics, opportunities, and risks of the 21st
century. After making the fastest progress in growth and poverty
reduction of any region around the world in the last fifteen years,
some countries in the region are poised to become middle-income, and
some are preparing to join the small group of high-income countries.
Such rapid transformation is leading to the largest shift in
rural-to-urban population in human history, generating rising
inequality within and across countries, and leaving individuals and
sub-national regions behind in the dash for prosperity. Meanwhile, the
slowdown in global growth threatens these gains and countries across
the region are being forced to address the consequences for
macroeconomic stability, employment and poverty, while re-thinking
their development strategies and adjusting to changed growth

In the East Asia and Pacific Region, the PREM side of EASPR/FP is
responsible for the Bank’s work on economic policy, public sector
reform, governance, and poverty analysis for this dynamic and rapidly
evolving region. In close consultation with field-based Country
Directors and in partnership with other network departments and the
governance hub, EASPR/FP provides policy and implementation advice as
well as financial support to our client countries through a range of
instruments that includes analytical work, technical assistance,
lending, and supervision. In addition, EASPR/FP conducts studies and
analyses of issues that cut across countries and require regional
cooperation, liaising closely with organizations such as ASEAN and
APEC; monitors economic developments through periodic country economic
updates; and partners with other departments within the region and
across the Bank, as well as with relevant institutions in the region,
to address key challenges facing our clients.

East Asia and Pacific PREM is highly decentralized with well over 60
percent of staff (international and local, bank budgeted and trust
funded) located in the country offices. On the PREM side, the Sector
Director, supported by sector manager, provides overall leadership for
carrying out the Department’s work program. Country Lead Economists
(one per country management unit) are accountable for the timely
delivery of country-based work programs and have responsibility for
managing the budget, management of IRS and LRS field office staff
working on their respective countries, and quality control. Thematic
lead economists for public sector, poverty, and economic policy
facilitate communities of practice and provide strategic leadership in
their respective areas.


East Asia and Pacific PREM is looking to recruit a Senior Economist to
be based in Dili, Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste is a country that is
seeking to overcome numerous challenges of poverty, isolation,
vulnerability to external shocks and natural disasters, and the legacy
of violent conflict. The project portfolio is modest, but
complemented by a variety of analytical and advisory activities.
There is a strong focus on partnership with other donors through
SWAPs, co-financing, and trust funds. Given the unique challenges and
variety of partnerships in this group of countries, developing
innovative approaches to support the countries in meeting their needs
and objectives is essential.

Timor-Leste’s economy has recovered rapidly since the crisis of 2006.
The recovery was driven by a rapid increase in government spending
fuelled by a surge in petroleum receipts, and a relatively large
international presence. The government is finalizing a wide ranging
Strategic Development Plan with the aim to rapidly develop
Timor-Leste’s economy. Challenges that the government faces in
implementing this strategy include a substantial scaling up of public
investment, prudent management of the Petroleum Fund, and ensuring
medium-term fiscal sustainability. This is a critical time for the
country, and provides an opportunity for the Bank to play a
significant role in informing the economic policy dialogue.

The PREM team in Dili has an exciting and fast moving work program.
In recent years, this has included: (i) leading a major Public Finance
Management reform program through a multi-donor trust fund; (ii) AAA
such as a Diagnostic Trade Integration Study and civil service review;
(iii) ‘just in time’ analytical inputs on topics ranging from poverty
analysis to fiscal policy; (iv) regular macroeconomic reporting and
monitoring; and (v) technical assistance on institutional reform in
the Ministry of Finance. The government wants to accelerate the
delivery of quality public services but faces capacity constraints.
It has access to advice from a wide range of different sources
including private consultancies, investment firms, the UN, IFIs and
others. The PREM team has to ensure timely and relevant advice in a
rapidly evolving environment.

Duties and Accountabilities

The Senior Economist plays a central role in the Timor-Leste country
program. (S)he would play a lead role in managing client engagement
and the provision of technical advice on country economic issues,
reporting to the Lead Economist for the Pacific, PNG and Timor-Leste
based in Sydney. The Senior Economist plays a coordinating role for
the PREM team in Dili, and is also the Team Leader for the Planning
and Financial Management Capacity Building Program (PFMCBP).
Specific duties and accountabilities include to:

• Provide intellectual leadership and high-quality technical advice
on matters related to economic policy and public finance management.

• Provide high quality technical advice as required in response to
on-demand requests from the Government of Timor-Leste, often drawing
expertise from different parts of the Bank group.

• Monitor and report on economic developments.

• Contribute to or lead AAA (ESW and TA) on economic and public
finance issues, including managing multi-disciplinary teams.

• Provide analytical inputs in relevant sections of country
strategies, sector reports, and operational documents.

• Lead PFMCBP supervision missions ensure regular dialogue with the
Minister and senior managers in MOF to address bottlenecks to Program

• Promote greater PFM/PEM diagnostic work in collaboration with other
donors to monitor developments in PFM reform and advise the government
more effectively.

• Maintain regular links with peers in the Bank and with stakeholders
in Timor-Leste (academics, donors, think tanks, civil society) to
promote cross learning, draw in technical expertise and disseminate

• Coordinate and deliver CPIA and PCPI processes.

• Represent the World Bank, as needed, at public forums and meetings.

Selection Criteria

• Minimum Education: MA/MS in Economics.

• Minimum Years of Directly Relevant Experience: 8.

• Sound understanding of macroeconomic policy issues, especially
public finance, and knowledge of relevant data sources.

• Familiar with the current debates, issues, and approaches in the
global thinking on growth and poverty reduction.

• Familiarity with structural reforms and linkages to key areas, such
as fiscal policy/sustainability, management of economic volatility,
trade analysis, and sources of growth analysis.

• High degree of motivation, initiative, flexibility, reliability and

• Strong analytical background and an ability to address public
expenditure management, particularly in the context of small, fragile,
and resource rich economies. Knowledge of and experience working in
fragile states is a strong preference.

• Direct experience in capacity-building activities and dialogue with
government officials is a plus.

• Superb interpersonal skills. Ability to collaborate effectively
with multidisciplinary bank staff teams, governments, NGOs and donors,
while being diplomatic and sensitive to cultural, political and gender

• Strong oral and written communication skills, including the ability
to present complicated analyses to non-specialist audiences.

• Ability to multi-task and work under pressure. Ability to work
within tight deadlines and budgets to produce high quality products.

Strong GF candidates are also encouraged to apply

The World Bank Group is committed to achieving diversity in terms of
gender, nationality, culture and educational background. Individuals
with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications
will be treated in the strictest confidence.

*Job Opportunity fo CAD Technician*

The BESIK (Bee, Saneamentu no Ijene iha Komunidade) Program, is funded by
the Government of Australia through Australian Aid program to provide
assistance to the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste to
increase access to water supply and sanitation and improved environmental
health of rural men and women in Timor-Leste. BESIK is currently recruiting
CAD Technician. Females are strongly encouraged to apply for this position.

Please send or deliver your application to Program Operations Manager, BESIK
- or at the BESIK office, DNSAS compound, Kaikoli,
Dili. The
closing date for this position is 28 February 2011 and only short-listed
candidates will be contacted in the following week for interviews.

* *

*Terms of Reference: CAD technician*

The CAD technician role will provide technical support to the development of
the CAD resource within BESIK and DNSAS and to assist the District Technical
officers when they are preparing design submissions:

· Provision of CAD advice and support to DNSAS at national and
district level when required;

·Strengthen the capacity of DNSAS/SAS through direct support; and

·Support BESIK programme funded projects in all aspects of CAD work

* *

*Responsible to: *Engineering Adviser

*Works with: *Designated G-RDTL counterparts and all
other long term advisors and Locally Engaged Staff (LES) as required

Duration: Full time for length of contract –
10 months

*Location: *Dili,* *Timor-Leste with travel to
the Districts when required


*CAD Technician*

In coordination with programme staff provide support to BESIK / DNSAS in CAD
drawings and drawing management of both soft copy and hard copies of
drawings. Finalise all BESIK as-built drawings as projects are completed and
support DNSAS in finalising contract packages for 2011 work and completing
archive drawings for 2010 projects.

*CAD assistance*
Working with the BESIK national staff / DNSAS P&D to develop capacity at
national level to produce high quality drawings and manage drawings and
strengthen use and understanding of CAD user guide for use within DNSAS to
standardise drawing development, standard details and archiving of record
drawings in paper and electronic format.

Aleixo da Cruz
Program Operations Manager
Email : ;
Mobile:+670-7245668 | Ph: +670 3321978 | Fax: +670 3321979
Rua Jacinto Candido,Caicoli, Dili - Timor Leste
PO Box 17, Dili, Timor Leste

Consultancy Vacancy: Marine Management - Capacity Development Mentor, Timor Leste


The Coral Triangle area including Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia,
Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands is home to the
world's most diverse marine life. Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) is a
collective effort by these six coral triangle countries and numerous partner
agencies to enhance the conservation of these globally outstanding marine
resources. Coral Triangle Support Partnership (CTSP) is a USAID funded
consortium of the world's three largest Non-Governmental Organizations -
Conservation International (CI), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and The Nature
Conservancy (TNC) to advance marine conservation support to the CTI.

CTSP in Timor-Leste

Rai Consultancy is the lead agency implementating CTSP activities in Timor
Leste; this is in collaboration with the Ministry for Agriculture and
Fisheries. CTSP activities are primarily located within six communities in
the Nino Konis Santana (NKS) National Park. The main emphasis will be on
ensuring improvements in near-shore fisheries production and food security
while improving ecosystem condition and bio-diversity conservation. CTSP has
the following staff in Timor Leste: Project Co-ordinator, Program Management
Advisor, Community Outreach Facilitators, Operations Co-ordinator (Finance,
Adm and Logistics), Driver and General Assistant.

Function of Marine Management - Capacity Development Mentor

CTSP Timor Leste is now taking the approach of providing a day to day
mentoring role to assist local Timorese civil servants working within the
National Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture. This approach is a
replacement of providing short term trainings conducted by a range of

Receiving task direction and supervision from the CTSP Project Co-ordinator
and Management Advisor, the Capacity Development Mentor will provide the
following functions:

a) Provide mentoring to staff working in the National Directorate of
Fisheries and Aquaculture located within the Ministry for Agriculture and
Fisheries, as well as CTSP staff and key local community members located in
the implementation areas of Nino Konis Santana National Park. Topics for
mentoring may include but will not limited to:

Marine Protected Areas (MPA), Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMA), basic
marine ecology, biological and socio-economic monitoring, data analysis,
establishing enforcement programs, community and stakeholder outreach,
community-based resources management, participatory local appraisal, and
other topics as relevant.

b) Support staff to become more confident, capable and competent in their
daily work roles and responsibilities, this includes:

i) Design and implementation of marine management field projects

ii) Time management, note taking, reporting and filing

iii) Development and implementation of marine management approaches that
are appropriate for Timor-Leste

c) Facilitate learning through small groups or on a one to one basis and
assist staff in preparing for field work. As necessary conduct role plays or
use other training methods to assist staff to improve facilitation skills
needed for meetings with local community leaders. On occasion accompany
staff conducting fieldwork and community consultations and through
observation provide feedback to better enhance staff skills in conducting
field work activities.

d) Support to enhance functioning of the Coral Triangle Initiative National
Co-ordinating Committee.

e) Work with Conservation International (CI), CTSP and staff to facilitate
the development and implementation of a Marine Management Capacity
Development Strategy including development and/or adaption of key marine
management training modules and educational materials.

Education, experience, skills and abilities:

1. 15+ years experience in the context of natural resource management with

involvement in marine costal management in South East Asia region.

2. Knowledge and experience of assisting staff working in resource poor
contexts (limited

human resources capabilities and infrastructure including communications and

3. University degree level in subject within natural resources along with
knowledge of and skills in specific costal management tools (MPA, LMMA,

4. Experience in using participatory approaches (community development and
facilitation skills)

with local communities including persons with low literacy and numeric

5. Excellent oral and written communication skills: English, Bahasa
Indonesia or Tetum.

6. Excellent presentation skills.

7. Ability to be sensitive to diverse culture and traditions.

8. Proficient in operating computer software, i.e. Microsoft Word, Excel,
etc as well as the internet.

Terms of Reference

An initial Conservation International (CI) consultancy contract will be
offered for a period up to 6 months.

Applications by way of CV to Niall Byrne (Management Advisor - CTSP Timor

Closing date: March 7th 2011

Niall Byrne
Management Advisor

Coral Triangle Support Partnership - Timor Leste

Sunday, February 6, 2011



Forum ONG Timor Leste (FONGTIL) nudar organizasaun sumrbinha nebe halibur ONG Lokal, Nasional no Internasional nebe mak serbisu iha Timor Leste, agora dadaun ne’e buka hela ema Timor oan nain 4 (4) atu Servisu iha Sekretariado FONGTIL ho pozisaun hanesan :

I.Program Manager (PM), Knaar no Responsalbilidade Espesifiko:

1.(MANAGING) Asegura implementasaun FONGTIL-nia programa tuir MPP 2010-2012.
1.1Servisu nuudar membru Tim Management Sekretariadu FONGTIL
1.2Iha responsabilidade ba servisu Divizaun Program tolu (3): Advokasia, Membership Services Team, no mos District Liaison Officers
1.3Responsible atu halo review ba programa-sira fulan-fulan, kada fulan tolu, no mos organisa avaliasaun (internal) annual.
1.4Responsabilidade atu halo planu servisu bazeia review programa kada fulan, quarter no annual.
1.5Halo regular monitoring visita ba distritu.
1.6Hamutuk ho Management Team, halo avaliasaun ba staff-sira nia performance kada fulan ne’en.
1.7Hamutuk ho Management Team, organiza no fasilita Avaliasaun External (tinan tolu)

2.(REPORTING) Hamutuk ho Management Team, asegura relatoriu nebe diak fo ba parseiru-sira no membrus ONG iha tempu nia laran. (timely reports are delivered)
2.1 Halo konsolidasaun relatoriu hosi rezultado implementasaun ba programa kada fulan ne’en.
2.2 Halo relatoriu annual ba membrus ONG tinan – tinan (AGM).
2.3 Halo regular program updates ba membrus ONG atu asegura partisipasaun nebe aktivu ba membru-sira.

3.(RESOURCING) Asegura hetan fundus ba implementasaun FONGTIL-nia programa.
3.1 Hamutuk ho ED, halo proposta atu asegura fundus.
3.2 Hamutuk ho coordinador, halo proposta nebe relevante atu haforsa programa.
3.3 Buka dalan atu asegura fundus ba programa annual.

4.(DIRECTING) Fo diresaun ba programa Divizaun tolu: Advokasia, Membership Services (MST), no District Liaison Officers (DLOs), sei asegura kualidade ba implementasaun programa no atu hetan rezultado lisaun hosi implementasaun.
4.1 ADVOCACY (hamutuk ho Coordinador)
4.1.1 Asegura partisipasaun FONGTIL staff no membrus ONG iha enkontru nasional no local nebe ativu no efektivu.
4.1.2 Asegura relasaun ho rede seluk no parseiru-sira nebe forte.
4.1.3 Asegura kualidade Estratejia ba komunicasaun external (ba media, parseiru-doador, governu national no lokal, Komunidade, nsst.) nebe diak.

4.2 MST (hamutuk ho Coordinador)
4.2.1 Asegura kuwalidade IT no CB Trainings (nebe efektivu no efisiente)
4.2.2 Asegura membru-sira nia necesidade, FONGTIL bele responde/fasilita.

4.3 DLO (hamutuk ho Coordinador)
4.3.1 Asegura partisipasaun ba membru-sira iha distritu lokal iha Programa National (NDMP, NP6 no Monitorizasaun PDL,PDS, PDD,) nebe ativu no efektivu.
4.3.2 Asegura membru-sira iha distritu iha partisipasaun ba proseso dezenvolvementu liu hosi regular konsultasaun.
4.3.3 Asegura fasilitasaun nebe diak ba membru-sira atu sira bele aseso ba fundus Sosiedade Sivil.

5.(DEVELOPING) Asegura kualidade iha rekursu material (manual, matadalan, sistema) nebe relevante
5.1 Hamutuk ho consultant/advisor/technical expert, dezenvolve Manual PMER (Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting)
5.2 Hamutuk ho consultant/advisor/technical expert no staff nebe relevante, dezenvolve ba Communications Strategy
5.3 Hamutuk ho consultant/advisor/technical expert no staff nebe relevante, dezenvolve ba CB Training Manuals (Program Development, Donor Relations, Advocacy, Social Audit, Media Relations and Conflict Resolution, Small Business/Fund Raising)
5.4 Hamutuk ho consultant/advisor/technical expert no staff nebe relevante, dezenvolve sistema Biblioteka (Resource Center).

6.(NETWORKING) Asegura ligasaun ba parseiru-sira nebe forte.
5.1 Halo diskusaun regular ho parseiru-sira.
5.2 Partisipa encontru international, national no local nebe importante/relevante atu asegura perspektiva ONG ba isu-isu.
5.3 Buka dalan atu asegura ligasaun ba parseiru-sira nebe forte.

Espesifikasaun PM:
a.Iha skill/koinesememto diak iha gestaun rekurso humano no proseso dezenvolvimento organizasaun.
b.Minimal iha esperiensa serbisu tinan tolu (3) ho papel nudar gestaun, inklui esperensia iha ONG ruma ka organizasaun doador.
c.Abilidade atu fo serbisu ho maneira ida partisipativo ho tim.
d.Abilidade atu halo Planning, Mentoring & Evaluation (PME).
e.Abilidade atu fo treinamento serbisu no mentoring.
f.Hatene koalia no hakerek lian Inglesh ho diak
g.Edukasaun formal minimo escola secundario.

II.Media Officer, Knar no Responsabilidade :

1.Haforsa no hametin linha komunikasaun ho media iha Nasional
2.Distribui update lista ba media kontak ba membrus hotu kada tinan.
3.Kria informasaun/rekursu ba documentus nebe sai hanesan issu nebe relevante ba membrus.
4.Publika Lian FONGTIL kada fulan rua dala ida kona ba aktividades FONGTIL no Membros ONG
5.Publika Lian FONGTIL kada fulan hat dala ida kona ba rezultado Monitorizasaun implementasaun PDD, PDL no PDS
6.Fasilita membrus iha distritu atu fahe informasaun ho media local
7.Halo kobertura iha Nasional no distritu konaba aktividade membru ONG no Secretariadu nian hodi publika iha Bulletin FONGTIL
8.Publika artikel kona ba papel ONG iha Lian FONGTIL no media sira seluk
9.Halo monitoring no evaluasaun ba Le’e Nain Lian FONGTIL konaba informasaun nia impaktu ba sira organizasaun.
10.Servisu nudar Team iha FONGTIL ho implementa planu Servisu no halo relatoriu ba Koordenador Avokasia

Espesifikasaun :
1.Ema ne’e tenki iha koinesementu diak ba Media
2.Bele halo reportagen, hakerek, design no halo Layout ba aktividades Sekretariado FONGTIL no Membru ONGs.
3.Esperiensia servisu iha area Media Minimum tinan 1
4.Bele koalia no hakerek iha lian Tetum nebe diak no bele hakerek lian Inglesh ( Diak liu tan )
5.Iha konhesementu no bele halo analiza nebe diak hodi koresponde ba issue nebe ONG sira foti
6.Bele servisu Team ho diak
7.Bele halo viagem ba Distrito
8.Prioridade liu ba candidato Feto
9.Bele lori motrizada no iha karta kondusaun
10.Edukasaun formal minimo escola secundario.

III.Ligasaun Orgaun Soberano, Knar no Responsabilidade :

1.Hametin Relasaun forte entre Board, ED FONGTIL ho Governo no Stakeholder seluk (UN, Doadores, etc):
a.Loby no fasilita koperasaun neebe diak ho Guverno, Presidencia, Tribunal Recurso, Parlamento Nasional atu hetan asesu informasaun konaba projecto esbosu lei sira no dokumentus jeral seluk tan, no mos situasaun emergensia humanitarian nian
b.Fasilita sorumutu ‘ad hoc’ no konsultasaun (Citizen Charter, Delegasaun ba Komisaun Nasional hanesan: KKFP, EITI, Prioridade Nasional, Formasaun Judisiariu Komisaun Konsultivu ba direitu labarik, Steering committee, etc). Hodi halo update progessio servisu nebe mak sira partisipa ba membru ONG.
c.Fasilita Sorumutuk Regular entre ONG no orgaun soberano, Agensia Internasional, Doadores inklui Coorpu Diplimatiku.
d. Servisu nudar membru tim Advokasia inklui halo no implementa planu no halo relatoriu ba Koordenador Avokasia

2.Lei Organizasaun Non Profit nebe inklui mos ONGs
a.Organiza no fasilita Sorumutu entre ONG ho Ministru da Justica konaba FONGTIL nia draft Amandementu ba Decrito Lei 05/2005
b.Lobby ho Ministra Justica, Primeiro Ministro no Parlamentu
c.Halao follow up ba Lei no. 05/2005 ne’ebe regular ho Ministerio Justica
d.Fasilita membro ONG partisipa iha audensia publica kona ba projecto de lei sira nebe parlamento prepara
e.Fasilita workshop ou treinamentu ba membru WG amandement Dekreto Lei no. 05/2005 konaba strategia advokasia.
f.Lei Organizasaun Non Profit nebe inklui mos ONGs
3.Servisu nudar membru tim Advokasia inklui halo no implementa planu Servisu no halo relatoriu ba Koordenador Avokasia

Espesifikasaun :
a.Ema ne’e tenki iha koinesementu diak iha area Advocasia (Ligasaun Entre ONGs ho Orgaun Soberano)
b.Iha koinesementu diak no bele halo analiza nebe diak ba Lei no Desizaun Politik nebe produse husi Governo/Parlamento Nasional
c.Esperiensia servisu iha area Advocasia Minimum tinan 1 (ho Referensia)
d.Bele servisu Team ho diak
e.Hatene uja programa Komputador Word, Excel & Internet
f.Bele Kompriende & koalia e hakerek iha lian Inglesh & Portuguese ( Diak liu tan )
g.Educasaun Minimo Lisensatura Iha Area Direito/ Area relevante ho pozisaun refere
h.Bele halo viagem ba Distrito
i.Bele lori Motorizada no iha karta kondusaun
j.Candidato Feto nebe iha capasidade sei hetan oportunidade bot liu

IV.Project Officer Amenda STATUTA Short term, Knar no Responsabilidade :

1.Halo draft ba amandament Statuta FONGTIL baseia rekomendasaun Evaluasaun External’2009 no konsultasaun Distrito 2010.
2.Halo aprezentasaun no mos konsultasaun ho Working Group ba draft amandament Statuta FONGTIL
3.Hamutuk ho Working Group Amandament Statuta halo konsultasaun ba Membru ONGs iha Distrito
4.Harmoniza resultado konsultasaun distrito no aprezenta fali ba Working Group Statuta antes ba Enkontru Jeral ’2011
5.Akompanha Board FONGTIL aprezenta draft amandament Statuta FONGTIL ba Membru ONGs iha Enkontru Jeral ’2011
6.Finaliza esbosu amandamentu Statuta no mos kompleta relatoriu final inklui konsiderasaun husi outcomes iha Enkontru Jeral.
7.Mekanismu Relatoriu: Funsionariu Projetu sei resposavel ba Board FONGTIL liu husi Ekipa Servisu Amandamentu Statuta. Lo-loron pozisaun ne’e sei halo relatoriu ba Direitora Ezekutiva FONGTIL liu husi Manager Administrasaun. Membrus Ekipa Servisu (inklui Asesor Internasional sira) no mos staff sira seluk sei mos fo tulun ba prosesu ne’e.

Espesifikasaun :
1.Edukasaun Minimo Lisensatura Iha Area Direito/ Institusaun Superior iha Area relevante ho pozisaun refere
2.Estudu, treinamentu ka esperiensa servisu mak inklui konyesimentu no mos esperiensa konaba asuntu legal.
3.Esperiensa servisu ho susesu pelo menus tinan tolu iha sector Governu ka Nao-Governu.
4.Konyesimentu no esperiensa klean konaba organizasaun sosiedade sivil, inklui konaba Konstitusaun (Statuta) no mos relasaun entre Board, Team Management no Organizasaun nebe mak iha membru hanesan REDE
5.Esperensia ho susesu iha ambiente servisu hamtuk ho Ekipa Servisu /Steering Committee
6.Kapasidade ne’ebe a’as konaba oinsa bele prosesu informasaun hakerek/lee no koalia/rona, hakerek relatoriu, halao dokumentus formal, no koalia no mos halo aprezentasaun publiku.
7.Kapasidade konsultasaun ne’ebe a’as konaba oinsa bele halo negosiasaun ho jerente, kolegas servisu no mos stakeholders seluk.
8.Hatene uza komputador ho programa hanesan Word Processing, Spreadsheet (Exel) no Internet.
9.Abilidade hodi servisu ho partisipasaun inklui hanesan parte ekipa.
10.Abilidade hodi servisu badinas no mos independente.
11.Kapsidade diak hodi koalia no hakerek iha lian Ingles no mos lian Tetum.

Detalhu ba Aplikasaun hotu:
Ba maluk sira nebe mak iha kualifikasaun, esperiensa no mos abilidade relevante ba posizaun iha leten , no hakarak/interese ba posisaun refere, halo favor hili posizaun ida deit/aplikante :
1.Hakerek no hatama Curriculum Vitae no Karta Aplikasaun iha lian Tetum (Inglesh diak liu tan)
2.Karta aplikasaun, hakerek klaru posizaun ne’ebe mak aplikante hakarak hili (hanesan Program Manager, Media Officer, Ligasaun Orgaun Soberano, ka Statue Project Officer), inklui mos kualifikasaun, esperiensa no mos abilidade relevante ba posizaun.
3.Hatama aplikasaun ba sekretariado FONGTIL iha Dalan Cai-Coli Dili (Joao Freitas, telemovel: 7236782) ka Email : / /
4.Tempo hatama apliksaun husi loron hasai vaga ne’e to’o 11 Fevereiro 2011 (4 pm)
5.Ba kandidato aplikantes nebe mak priense criteria mak bele tuir intervista inklui ejame iskrita ho data tentava iha dia 15 Fevreiro’2011
6.Sekretariado FONGTIL sei la fo fali ita bot sira nia dokumentos karik la liu selesaun CV, Intrevista inklui ejame eskrita.
7.Persija informasaun detalha halo favor kontakto Edificio FONGTIL, Caicoli-Dili-Timor Leste ho no Tlp. 723 6782/3321005.
8.Enkoragem ba maluk Feto sira atu aplika ba vaga ne’e.