Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jobs - District Coordinators (three positions) Caixa de entrada X

Mercy Corps Vacancy Announcement

District Coordinators – Renewable Energy Programme

(Three National Positions – Ainaro, Manufahi, Dili Districts)


Mercy Corps has been operational in Timor-Leste since 2005 with current programming focusing on agriculture, rural livelihoods and alternative sources of energy. In May 2011 Mercy Corps began implementing the three-year, EC-funded Energy for All (E4A) programme, focusing on alternative energy solutions for rural and peri-urban Timor Leste. The programme will facilitate access to alternative sources of energy, including solar power, fuel efficient stoves and renewable sources of fuel, through sustainable market-driven approaches. The programme is being implemented in three districts: Manufahi, Ainaro and peri-urban Dili.

[Describe overview of job missioGENERAL POSITION SUMMARY:

The District Coordinators (one in each target District) will be responsible for coordination and implementation of E4A activities in their respective target district, under the supervision of the Expatriate Programme Manager and National Programme Manager. The position will involve guiding and monitoring our local implementing partner in day-to-day activities, supporting community mobilization and capacity-building, providing support for emerging renewable energy businesses, and working closely with government officials involved in the programme.


· Support the local partner in start-up, including orientation of the E4A programme, office set-up, recruitment and organisational capacity-building

· Support the local partner in their day-to-day programme implementation, reporting, budget management, administrative support, and coordination matters to help improve their capacity

· Work with the local implementing partner to establish links and build relationships with key stakeholders in the district, in particular Energy Extension workers

· With the local implementing partner, engage in education and capacity-building of target communities to encourage uptake of alternative energy technologies

· Identify, engage and provide capacity-building for private sector businesses that will emerge as Alternative Energy Retailers in each District

· Support the programme team in meeting M&E objectives by participating in relevant surveys

· Contribute to Mercy Corps reports (donor and internal) as required

Do This


· Minimum 2 to 3 years experience of programme implementation and community development in Timor Leste is required, experience working with an international NGO, UN or other organisation is preferred.

· Familiarity with community-based alternative energy technologies (such as solar power or fuel-efficient stoves) and/or community forestry is preferred

· Ability to communicate, motivate and engage productively with target communities and stakeholders in the district is essential

· Strong organisational and coordination skills, and competent computer skills is required

· Willingness to be based in one of the target district (Ainaro, Manufahi or Dili) and travel throughout the districts is required

· Fluency in Tetum or Bahasa Indonesia, and competency in spoken and written English is required

To apply for this position, please send your Resume/CV and Cover letter by e-mail or deliver to Human Resources at the Mercy Corps office at Bairo Dos Grilhos, Dili.

The deadline for submitting applications is 4pm on May 25th2011.

Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be notified.

Job - Trainer - Finance Training in Timor Leste

Finance Training in Timor Leste

The Australian Foundation for the Peoples of Asia and the Pacific (AFAP) is currently seeking a trainer to teach a short one-off Finance Training course to staff from In-Country Partner organisations in Timor Leste.

1. Background
The Australian Foundation for the Peoples of Asia and the Pacific (AFAP) is an AusAID accredited non-government organisation involved in development and poverty alleviation projects throughout Africa, Asia and the Pacific.

As part of AFAP’s ANCP 2010-11 program, AFAP is organising a Finance Capacity Building workshop in Timor for ICP staff and community members.

AFAP works with a number of In-Country Partners (ICP) implementing development projects in Timor Leste. Greater support and engagement with our Community Partners and acknowledged expertise in institutional strengthening/ capacity building were highlighted as important items in AFAP’s 2009-2012 strategic plan. AFAP has been working with these NGO partners in Timor for more than 5 years, some for 10 years. This training is designed to lead to a sustainable situation where ICPs take increasingly greater responsibility for their project monitoring and reporting requirements.

AFAP’s Partners work in across a wide range of areas including arts and culture; agriculture; education; food security; health services and promotion; income generation; microfinance and water and sanitation. AFAP partners in Timor Leste are:
· Arte Moris/Tekee Media

· Bairo Pite Clinic
· Bega Valley Advocates for Timor Leste Inc. (BVATL) in association with the Natarbora Barique Friendship Commission
· Fundasaun Alola
· HIAM Health
· Life, Love & Health
· PRADET (Psychosocial Recovery and Development East Timor)
· Timor Aid

2. Purpose
The consultant will be required to design and run a training course to increase the financial management skills of AFAP’s partner NGOs in Timor Leste. It is expected that there will be between 6 and 15 participants. The expected outputs of the project are:

Participants who complete the training are equipped with sound financial management skills, particularly in the area of producing financial management reports.
Participants are equipped with increased financial analysis skills. Specifically, they will be sufficiently capable of carrying out balance sheet analysis tasks.
Participants are capable of independently carrying out financial tasks which are relevant to their respective organisations and responsibilities, as covered by the training e.g. If the course outline and learning objectives cover bank reconciliation, accurate data entry and payroll tasks, participants should be competent in carrying out these tasks.

3. Scope and method
The consultant will have recognised qualifications and 3 years of experience in designing and delivering training courses on financial skills. The consultant will have experience and in depth understanding of the requirements and limitations of local NGOs in Timor Leste or developing countries. Previous experience in Timor is preferred. The ability to speak Tetum or provide a translator is essential.

Course content:
The training needs to be conducted in a class based style with practical examples and participation. The following topics and skill levels have been identified by participants and are ranked in order of importance (most to least):
Ø Balance sheet analysis
Ø Bank reconciliation
Ø Financial management skills including management reports
Ø Payroll
Ø Data entry and report generation
Ø General financial analysis
Ø Audit preparation

All participants have basic-to-intermediate skills in the areas listed above therefore the trainer's course design will need to reflect this. The course should cover address a significant proportion of this content in a manner which is both time efficient and interrelated, so as to accord with the time constraints of the course (4-5 days).

4. Personnel requirements
Specifically, the consultant will:
a) Provide the content and format for the financial training course, covering material on the topics identified above.
b) Deliver training in Tetum to between 6 and 15 AFAP ICP staff and/or community members.
c) Supply the following:
o Workbook with exercises (in Tetum) for all participants
o Necessary materials and equipment
d) In conjunction with AFAP staff, organise logistics including, but not limited to an appropriate location and learning space.
e) Provide a summary report and analysis at the completion of the training course.

5. Duration and Timeframe
The course should run for between 4 – 5 consecutive days, and preferably completed by December 30, 2011. However, this is negotiable between AFAP and selected consultant.

6. Remuneration
The proposed budget for the entire project will not exceed AUD $10,000. Interested trainers are therefore asked to provide a written statement of their projected costs, including remuneration and their dates of availability to conduct the course.

7. Submissions
Trainers need to submit a CV demonstrating their past experience in financial literacy training within a development context, including a sample of materials previously used and a draft workshop breakdown in accordance with the required course content. Please be sure to include all of the following information:
o CV of consultant
o Course outline and learning objectives which directly addresses both the participants’ needs and the development context in Timor Leste
o Sample of past materials created by consultant and/or proposed materials to be used
o Projection of costs
o Available dates to conduct training
o Evidence of ability to speak Tetum or provide a translator
o Additional information outlining In-country logistics, such as venue, catering etc.
o Details of assistance required by AFAP

Selection will be on a competitive basis on the following criteria:
o Relevance of course outline and learning objectives to participants’ needs and abilities
o Quality of sample materials
o Projected costs
o Ability to speak Tetum or provide a translator
o Ability to provide assistance to AFAP to organise In-country logistics
o Available dates

For further information, please contact Cassandra Mok:

Please submit applications by 5 June 2011 to Cassandra Mok via


Support ETAN in 2011. Make a contribution here
Thank you for your support.

John M. Miller, National Coordinator
East Timor & Indonesia Action Network (ETAN)
PO Box 21873, Brooklyn, NY 11202-1873 USA
Phone: +1-718-596-7668 Mobile phone: +1-917-690-4391
Email: Skype: john.m.miller


Send a blank e-mail message to to find out how to learn more about East Timor and Indonesia on the Internet

Jobs: Manufahi - Supervisor no Surveyor - Dalan Rural, Rural Roads

Manufahi – Supervisor no Surveyor - Dalan Rural

RDP3 serbisu iha Distritu Manufahi atu hadia agrikultura no asesu dalan rural, dadaun ne’e dalan distritu no rural sei hadia no halao hela manutensaun husi kontraktor lokal no grupu komunidade. Programa ne’e sei habelar liu tan, tamba ne’e ami presiza supervisor no surveyor nebe mak sei halao serbisu iha Same vila ka iha area projeitu.

Se karik ita bo’ot sira iha interese ba pozisaun ne’e no iha experensia kona ba konstrusaun no supervisaun, bele haruka CV ba Sr. Simon Done, Enginheiru Rural, RDP3, iha kantor projeitu nian, MAF-Comoro, Dili ka MAF-Same, Manufahi ka haruka email molok loron 12 fulan Junho 2011. CV tenki inklui naran, tinan, nomor kontakto, edukasaun, qualifikasaun no esperiensia serbisu.

RDP3 is working in Manufahi to improve agriculture and rural access. District and Rural roads are being improved and maintained by local contractors and community groups. The road programme is expanding and we require additional supervisors and surveyors to be based in Same town or on site.

If you are interested in these positions and have some experience in construction and supervision, please send a CV to Simon Done, Rural Engineer, RDP3, at the RDP3 office in MAF, Comoro, Dili or MAF, Same, Manufahi or to by the 12th of June 2011. The CV should include name, age, contact information, education, qualifications and work experience.

Job - Programme Manager Renewable Energy

Mercy Corps Vacancy Announcement

Programme Manager – Renewable Energy and Forestry (National Position)

Dili, Timor-Leste


Mercy Corps has been operational in Timor-Leste since 2005 with current programming focusing on agriculture, rural livelihoods and alternative sources of energy. We currently have funding from the EC to implement Food Security and Alternative Energy programming as well as UN funding to implement the Progress out of Poverty Initiative.


The three-year, EC-funded Energy for All (E4A) project, focusing on alternative energy solutions for rural and peri-urban Timor Leste, will facilitate access to alternative sources of energy, including solar power and fuel efficient stoves, and renewable sources of fuel in three districts through sustainable market-driven approaches. The programme expects to achieve:

1) Market-driven, sustainable energy solutions and effective business models are developed to benefit 4,500 households as well as 15 institutions and six businesses in three districts of Timor-Leste (peri-urban Dili, rural Ainaro and rural Manufahi)

2) Production and conservation of forest assets providing a renewable source of cooking fuel for vulnerable households in 15 communities.

3) Promotion and replication of alternative energy solutions in at least six more communities of rural and peri-urban Timor-Leste

The National Programme Manager will work closely with the expatriate ‘Programme Manager – Renewable Energy’ to support coordination of an integrated set of programme activities. These will include: community mobilization; facilitation between civil society, NGOs, private sector and government; alternative energy business development; and sustainable community-level agro-forestry.


· Work closely with the Programme Manager and team members to implement the project, and in particular support agro-forestry strategies.

· With the District Coordinators and local implementing partner organisations, engage in education and capacity-building of target communities to encourage uptake of alternative energy technologies

· Work closely with partner organisations to ensure quality implementation of the programme, including monitoring partner activities and ensuring appropriate reporting by partners

· Build and maintain strong relationships with government bodies / individuals involved in the programme (including SEPE), to ensure they are actively engaged in the programme

· Support the programme team in gathering/developing/refining appropriate programme tools, such as presentations, manuals, teaching notes and best practices and lessons learned

· Work with the Programme Manager and Mercy Corps’ M&E officer to ensure the programme impact and activities are captured effectively

· Contribute to Mercy Corps efforts to disseminate information on the programme, including reporting, best practice documentation, presentations at appropriate meetings etc


· Degree in renewable energy, agro-forestry or related field preferred

· Familiarity with community agro-forestry methodologies and approaches strongly preferred

· Familiarity with community-based energy technologies such as solar power or fuel-efficient stoves preferred.

· Previous experience working in alternative energy or agro-forestry at the community level strongly preferred

· Experience of working with government officials desirable

· Experience building capacity of a diverse team and local partners

· Fluency in Tetum or Bahasa Indonesia language skills and high level of competency in English required

To apply for this position, please send your Resume/CV and Cover letter by e-mail or deliver to Human Resources at the Mercy Corps office at Bairo Dos Grilhos, Dili.

The deadline for submitting applications is 4pm on May 23rd2011.

Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be notified.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Job posting: Consultant: Development of women's legal aid organisation in Timor-Leste

Consultant: Development of women’s legal aid organization in Timor-Leste




The Access to Justice (ATJ) Program of the Asia Foundation (the Foundation) funded by USAID began in 2002. The largest component of the program is the provision of legal aid for litigation and non-litigation services in particular to those who are vulnerable within the community. Currently the Foundation supports five legal aid service providers which operate across the country. One of those organisations, the Victim Support Service (VSS) of the Judicial Systems Monitoring Program (JSMP), provides specialized services to women and children victims of gender-based violence.

The Foundation has undertaken a number of initiatives in recent years to assist with addressing inequalities faced by women in RDTL. These initiatives are aimed at enhancing legal aid service delivery for women clients and at increasing the capacity of women lawyers. The Foundation has required that the legal aid partners meet targets of at least 30 percent women clients and has provided specialized trainings to legal aid lawyers on areas of law particularly relevant to female clients. The Foundation has also encouraged the legal aid organizations to employ women lawyers and paralegals and has facilitated the establishment of a women lawyers’ group which meets monthly.

In 2010, the Foundation arranged for an exchange visit by 12 women lawyers to Indonesia for an exposure visit to legal aid service delivery for women clients. The visit consisted of six days of training facilitated by two women lawyers from LBH-APIK, a prominent Indonesian women’s legal aid organization. While in Indonesia the 12 lawyers developed two plans to establish a women’s legal aid organization in Timor-Leste. Since their return, the Foundation has continued to support monthly meetings of the women lawyers who have determined that they want to pursue their initiative to develop a women’s legal aid organization.

Around 15 women lawyers have participated at different times in the women lawyers’ group meetings. The women lawyers are now referring to themselves as the ‘Grupo Advogada’ Women Lawyers’ Group. The Group consists of lawyers from different legal aid organizations and some are currently studying full time at the Judicial Training Centre (Centru Formasaun Juridika, CFJ). A key contributor and proponent of the initiative is JSMP’s VSS which is currently a unit within JSMP. At the time of the formation of VSS in 2005, JSMP intended that it would ultimately become a separate organization but that during a transitional period it would have the support of JSMP’s overall management. JSMP is committed to VSS’s transition out of JSMP to become an independent organization and is currently evaluating VSS’s capacity in view of the possible separation.

The Women Lawyers’ Group has developed a basic outline of a vision for the organization which they are calling LBH-Feto. They envisage that the organization would have three units; a victims’ support unit for gender-based violence crimes; a civil unit and a criminal unit both of which would serve only women clients. The organization may also provide legal assistance to children. The Women Lawyers’ Group has also developed some steps in the process for establishing the organization and has started with an assessment of legal services available for women.

Some basic principles which have been adopted by the Women Lawyers’ Group in relation to the development of LBH-Feto are:

- LBH-Feto should have a solid organizational developmental plan with a strong focus on sustainability;

- Technical support for the development of the organization is necessary but the women lawyers should continue to guide its development;

- The initiative should be an inclusive process involving other organizations providing services for women in particular those in the Gender-based Violence Referral Network.


At the request of the Women Lawyers’ Group and JSMP, the Foundation is seeking to engage a consultant to work with JSMP and the Women Lawyers’ Group. The consultant would assist JSMP and the Group in developing an organizational plan for the development of LBH-Feto. The consultant would be based at JSMP in the VSS unit.

Duties of the consultant

The consultant will be required to undertake the following specific tasks:

• Facilitate the Women Lawyers’ Group’s initiative to develop a legal
aid organization solely for women and children clients;

• Assist the Women Lawyers’ Group to analyse the results of the
assessment of legal services for women and children (which was
conducted by the women lawyers in October 2010) and prepare a report
of the assessment;

• Conduct a capacity needs assessment of the Women Lawyers’ Group
including JSMP’s VSS unit with the aim of identifying the human
resource needs for LBH-Feto, and any knowledge and skills gaps amongst
the women lawyers and JSMP’s VSS staff to establish and manage
LBH-Feto. Prepare a brief report based on the outcome of the above
needs assessment identifying the individual and organizational
capacity of the women lawyers, including JSMP’s VSS staff to establish
and manage LBH-Feto;

• Organize a mini-workshop to address the capacity issues identified
in the above report with the aim of recommending capacity building
solutions to the Women Lawyers’ Group including JSMP’s VSS staff;

• Organise the Women Lawyers’ Group and JSMP’s VSS preparatory study
exchange to LBH-APIK in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Deliverables from the consultant

The following are the expected deliverables from the consultant:

Stage 1 (duration of 6 months):

- A report of not more than 15 pages of the assessment of legal
services for women;

- A brief report (not more than 10 pages) based on an evaluation of
the women lawyers and JSMP’s VSS staff, identifying the individual and
organizational capacity of the women lawyers and JSMP’s VSS staff to
establish and manage LBH-Feto;

- A mini-workshop (not more than 1 day) to address the capacity issues
identified in the above report with the aim of recommending capacity
building solutions for the women lawyers and JSMP’s VSS staff;

- Facilitation of a process to develop an implementation plan for
LBH-Feto and preparation of the written plan;

- Following the JSMP evaluation of VSS and the approval of JSMP
management, support VSS in developing a plan to transition into a
component of LBH-Feto;

- Completion of the Women Lawyers’ Group and JSMP’s VSS preparatory
study exchange to LBH-APIK in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Based on the Consultant’s progress in achieving the deliverables under
Stage 1, the terms of reference may be extended for an additional six
months for Stage 2. The exact terms of reference for Stage 2 will be
dependent on the decision of JSMP regarding the future of VSS but are
likely to include the following expected deliverables from the

Stage 2 (duration of 6 months):

- With approval of JSMP management, support to VSS to transition into
a component of LBH-Feto;

- A draft constitution for LBH-Feto;

- Establishment of the LBH-Feto board;

- Recruitment of key staff;

- Development of fundraising strategy and approaches to development partners.


The consultant will be managed on a day to day basis by the JSMP Director and will report monthly (with a face-to-face meeting and a bullet point narrative report) on the implementation of deliverables to the Law Program Advisor, The Asia Foundation Timor-Leste.

Duration of the appointment

The appointment is expected to start in the first quarter of 2011 and is for an initial period of six months for the completion of Stage 1. It may be extended by an additional six months for completion of Stage 2 upon agreement between the Foundation and JSMP.


The consultant will be paid a fee negotiated between the consultant and the Asia Foundation not exceeding the monthly salary rate paid by JSMP to their international advisers.

TAF will provide:

- A return economy airfare to Dili from a consultant’s home city ;
- Medical insurance;
- Assistance with finding accommodation;
- A small allowance for official communication;
- Transport and per diem costs for any agreed, official travel within
Timor-Leste outside of Dili.

VSS will provide:
- All work communication costs;
- A working space.

The consultant will be expected to provide the following:
- their own laptop.



Demonstrated work experience in legal and/or human rights programs Experience with management in a non-government organization, preferably one working in the legal sector and/or women’s issues

Understanding of gender

Knowledge of the conditions in Timor-Leste and challenges in relation to gender and service delivery, civil society, and sustainability for civil society organizations.

Demonstrated commitment to legal reform and civil society strengthening


Bachelor’s degree in law or social sciences.


Strong verbal and written communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia or Tetum

Good written and oral analytical skills

Excellent interpersonal skills

Demonstrated organizational abilities

Computer proficient in word processing (Word), spreadsheets (Excel), email


Professional experience with a legal aid organization or an NGO working in the legal and/or human rights fields.

Previous experience working in Timor-Leste.

TO APPLY: Any interested candidates (including East Timorese nationals) can submit a short covering letter and CV to Aquelina Savio, The Asia Foundation in Dili. Rua de Nu Laran No. 20. Bairro dos Grillos, Dili, Timor-Leste. ( tel. + 670 7796069. To obtain further information, please contact Merita Correia, Coordinator, VSS, JSMP, tel. + 670 7244304. The deadline for applications is May 24, 2011. Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.


Support ETAN in 2011. Make a contribution here
Thank you for your support.

John M. Miller, National Coordinator
East Timor & Indonesia Action Network (ETAN)
PO Box 21873, Brooklyn, NY 11202-1873 USA
Phone: +1-718-596-7668 Mobile phone: +1-917-690-4391
Email: Skype: john.m.miller


Send a blank e-mail message to to find out how to learn more about East Timor and Indonesia on the Internet

vacancy - ICT Systems and Network Support Officer (OPG/Timor-Leste)

Dear all:

The Office of the Prosecutor General together with UNDP Justice System Programme are looking for a ICT- Systems and Network Support Officer.

Bellow you will find the TOR.

Applications should be sent by 25th of May to .

Please share this information with your network of contacts.

Thank you

Terms of Reference

Post title: ICT – Systems and Network Support

Duty Station: Dili, Office of the Prosecutor General

Duration: 1 year, with possible extension

Expected Start date: September 2011

General Description:

Under the supervision of the Justice System Programme ICT Specialist and in close consultation with the Chief of IT from the Office of the Prosecutor General (OPG), the ICT Officer will provide support to the IT infra-structure, systems and the OPG Case Management System on behalf of UNDP.

Scope of Work:

  • Provide support services related to office applications, computer operations, email/Internet/Intranet/chat systems, VoIP System, special software set up, training and troubleshooting for all the computer users within the JSP and OPG.
  • Provide technical support for all offices and users within the OPG Network in the districts, troubleshooting problems as they arise and designing long term solutions.
  • Provide support to the implementation of the Case Management System for the OPG, including servers configuration, deployment, administration and training of national staff.
  • Report to the IT Coordinator any client needs including hardware, software, backup, anti-virus, cabling, switches, UPS, IP Phones, servers, desktops, scanners, laptops, routers, firewall, modems, printers and spare parts.
  • Provide mentoring and technical assistance for the national IT staff on systems, equipment, administration, installation, maintenance and upgrading.
  • Responsible for maintenance and administration of the LAN hardware, software and peripherals; including IT infrastructure, website operations, email, etc.
  • Enhance the existing support procedures, providing manuals, documentation of best practices, configurations, support and troubleshooting of network, software and hardware used by the Justice Sector in the districts.
  • Produce documentations and diagrams of new network and systems installations and update/maintain existing documentation and diagrams.
  • Manage the asset inventory with documentation and updates for new acquisitions, loans and discarded equipment.

Provide training and transfer knowledge of support, systems and network administration to national IT staff in:

  • Software installation, maintenance and upgrading (servers and workstations), including the compilation of IT Standards & Procedures Guideline for all sites within the Justice Network.
  • Hardware installation, maintenance and upgrading (servers and workstations), including physical installation of equipment, configuration and testing.
  • Recommend suitable IT solutions for system expansion, specifying equipment and software and defining administration procedures for the JSP development, staging laboratory and data center.
  • Participate in the overall design of networks and systems architecture of all remote sites and the interconnection with the Dili Data Center, GoTL operated backbone and Internet.
  • Routine network and servers’ administration, maintenance and troubleshooting, systems documentation, database supervision, server backup, maintenance and updating of anti-virus protection software.

Results/Expected Outputs:

  • The primary goal is to be available to provide effective and comprehensive consultation and assistance to all users within the JSP and OPG. That includes:
    • The Case Management System for OPG supported and well-functioning.
    • Resolve any problems to the best of their ability and notify the designated group within the IT department when a referral is needed.
    • Deployment of new Systems, Network and Infra-Structure to the Justice Sector supported.
    • Network documentation, diagrams and manuals produced and up to date.
    • Capacity development of the IT staff in Systems and Network Administration.
    • IT Staff able to manage and troubleshoot the Case Management System and related infra-structure.


  • Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or related fields is desirable.
  • Minimum of 5 years experience with Computer Systems, Network Support and Linux Servers at complex sites (heterogeneous clients and servers, multiple Internet servers including fileservers, web, email, Proxy and DNS).
  • Experience designing, implementing and maintaining enterprise level data networks, including cabling, setting up network equipment (switches, routers, access points), troubleshooting and management using SNMP and protocol analyzers.
  • Great ability to identify solutions and troubleshooting for computer hardware, software, network and systems in general.
  • Experience with deployment and administration of Linux servers in heterogeneous environments (Windows, UNIX and/or Linux), including file servers, email servers, Proxies, antivirus Servers & Clients, web servers, DHCP, DNS and database servers.
  • Experience with Virtualization Technologies.
  • Experience in Information Security implementation and management.
  • Experience as a mentor/trainer in the IT field.
  • Knowledge and experience with general network support systems such VPN, VoIP, Routing, Wireless Network, VSAT, etc.
  • Experience in programming of web-based applications (Drupal, PHP, MySQL) would be an asset.

Language requirements:

  • Oral and written English and Portuguese.
  • Tetum language skills desirable. Willingness to learn is essential.

Personal characteristics considered advantageous:

  • Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills with an ability to motivate people.
  • Ability and interest in training and supporting less experienced colleagues.
  • Ability to work and communicate in a team environment with good problem solving and organizational skills
  • Capacity to deal with different cultural backgrounds and language barriers.
  • Open-minded and able to make proper consideration for appropriate response.
  • Capacity to state ideas in more than one way, demonstrating creativity and flexibility.

Applications (cv+cover letter) should be sent to by May 25th2011

Carla Vendinha Ferreira e Ferreira dos Santos

Adviser Liaison Officer

Justice System Programme

United Nations Development Programme


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

vacancy- Judge Lecturer/ Court of Appeal acting Judge (Timor-Leste)

Dear All:

The Timor-Leste Court of Appeal together with the Legal Training Centre and the UNDP Justice System Programme are looking for a Portuguese speaking Judge Lecturer/Court of Appeal Acting Judge.

The deadline of Applications is the 25th May 2011. Applications should be sent

Kindly find the terms of reference bellow – also available in Portuguese.

Thank you


Host institution: The Legal Training Centre and Court of Appeal

Supporting Agency: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Initial appointment: One year

Location: Dili- Timor-Leste

Application Deadline: 25th May 2011

Desirable Starting Date: July 2011


The Justice System Programme (JSP) in Timor-Leste is a comprehensive capacity development initiative for the judiciary, implemented by UNDP under the guidance of the national Council of Coordination (CoC) for the justice sector, which consists of the President of the Court of Appeal, Prosecutor-General and Minister of Justice. The programme provides support to the CoC and respective judiciary institutions, including the Courts, Prosecution, and the Ministry of Justice and its subsidiary institutions (Legal Training Center, Prison Service, Public Defender’s Office).

The programme supports the judiciary institutions to uphold the rights enshrined in the Constitution of RDTL and to consolidate the rule of law in Timor-Leste. The overall objective of the programme is to enhance the effectiveness, equitability and efficiency of the justice system, thereby increasing access to justice in Timor-Leste. It is a long-term programme, started in 2003 and revised in 2008 for a duration of 5 years, with financial and in-kind contributions coming from eight donor governments and organizations.

Aiming at strengthening the capacities of the Courts, the Prosecution Service, the Public Defender and the Ministry of Justice, the programme undertakes to improve institutional capacities (systems, processes, skills, ethics) through a sequence of support measures. The programme assists in the recruitment and management of international staff (international judges, prosecutors, public defenders, lecturers, IT personnel, etc.) performing line functions and/or advisory posts. International justice actors also required to provide formal and on-the-job training to national court actors, under the supervision of the Timorese oversight and inspection bodies and with the overall direction of the Justice System Programme.

I. Overall Duty:

The incumbent will work as a Trainer, an Adviser and a Judge. The incumbent will fulfill the functions as a Judge trainer in the Legal Training Centre (LTC) under the supervision f the LTC Director. He/she should also transfer skills and knowledge and assist in the introduction and consolidation of procedures, system process for the effective administration of justice.

The adviser will also act as a judge of the Court of Appeal providing capacity building and advising, as well as orientation and support to the national counterparts (judges) under the direct supervision of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, supported by the UNDP-Justice System Programme.

II. Description of lecturing duties:

Under the direct supervision of the LTC Director and the overall guidance of the Executive Board of the LTC, the incumbent performs the following functions as a Judge Lecturer:

· Ensures the design, development and implementation of curricula and summaries

· Design, develop, and consolidate curricula and summaries

· Conduct examinations and evaluations of students.

· Advise the Executive and Academic Boards of the LTC.

· Coordinate and mentor the national judges during the probationary phase.

· Train and advise National Judges (trainees).

· Ensures examinations and evaluations of students are conducted

· Ensure that graduated candidates have the required level of competency to assume judicial functions, according to the regulations set by the Executive Board and in compliance with the Law

· Ensures effective advisory services to the Executive and Academic boards of the LTC

· Ensures coordination and advisory of the national judges during the probationary phase

· Ensures training and advisory of national judge lecturers

III. Description of main duties:

As Judge of the Court of Appeal, the incumbent performs the following functions subject to the Magisterial Regulations of the Judiciary :

· Acts as Judge of the Court of Appeal (Court of last Resort in Timor-Leste) respecting the Laws and Constitution of Timor-Leste

· Under the guidance of the President of the Court of Appeal and whenever necessary, collaborates to solve judicial and organizational problems of the courts, such as establishing rules of procedure on questions which have not been established by law in accordance with advancements in international and Timorese Law.

· Provide on-the-job advising, training and/or mentoring to the court of Appeal national Judges and Court Clerks and provide technical assistance as required for the correct performance of their tasks;

· Provide legal opinions and assist the daily work of the Court of Appeal whenever requested by the President of the Court of Appeal;

· Assist the President of the Court of Appeal in the implementation of recommendations stemming from the Justice Sector Strategic Plan and the Independent Comprehensive Needs Assessment (ICNA) report.

· Perform other related duties as required for the effective functioning of the judicial system.

IV. Competencies

1. Requirements for systems and duties to be developed

· Sound working knowledge of, and experience in criminal and civil matters, labor, administration, constitutional and electoral issues;

· Knowledge of court jurisdiction, administration and management;

· Experience in training;

· Minimum 5 years experience at a Supreme Court level

· Extensive experience in teaching or training preferably on courses for magistrates and court staff;

· Ability to assist with organizational and judicial management if required;

· Ability to transfer knowledge and skills;

· Ability to work in a team and to communicate effectively with colleagues from all backgrounds;

· Working experience in a developing country and/or in conflict or post-conflict environments;

V. Other desirable qualifications and skills:

· Enthusiasm for personal commitment to increase skills and knowledge of national staff trough technical advice, mentoring or training;

· Transfer of experience in coordination of seminars or workshops, development of summaries or legal opinion;

· Knowledge of legal system in Timor-Leste

· Ability to create and maintain contact and cooperation with external interlocutors and to work under pressure

· Willingness to work flexible hours

· Relevant computer skills

· Ability to work without close supervision.

VI. Ethics

The Judge is expected to observe and comply with the Magisterial Regulations by:

· Developing his duties with honesty, impartiality and dignity;

· Comply with professional confidentially as defined by Law;

· Having a public and private deportment conforming to the status and respect given to the Office of Magistrates in Timor-Leste;

· Treating all justice sector professionals with respect;

· Being punctual and attend all scheduled services;

· Refrain from any commentary regarding pending cases or pending decisions, or refrain from any commentary regarding judgments about orders, opinions, votes or sentences of courts,except critics of cases in the exercise of the judiciary or in judicial and technical works;

· Refrain from advising or instructing the parties to any dispute under any pretext, except in cases expressly permitted by law.

VII. Languages:

· Native speaker proficiency in Portuguese is required.

· Working knowledge of English

· Proficiency in Tetum or willingness to learn it.

Application: Send CV and cover letter to

Deadline: 25th May 2011

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Carla Vendinha Ferreira e Ferreira dos Santos

Adviser Liaison Officer

Justice System Programme

United Nations Development Programme
