Wednesday, March 9, 2011


March 7, 2011

With the vast majority of Timorese being under the age of 25 its all about jobs for young men and women. Our Jobs Directory is now getting over 2,000 hits a day, but these jobs are mostly for the “educated” and those in Dili. How I wish I could expand it to include jobs for the trades, and for those in the hills…. Any ideas anyone?

But I digress.

There is alot of talk about “jobs for the boys” in Timor-Leste these days. There are a couple of meanings to this expression in the context of what is going on in Timor-Leste.

In one way its intended to suggest that those that who are “connected” get the jobs. While from another point of view it is used in relation to male youth, and the problems and potential they that hold.

Women need and should have jobs for sure, but I did not see many women throwing stones, carrying guns or burning houses in 2006. Certainly some women heroicly played a direct role in FALINTIL (the armed resistance) between 1975-99 but they quite rightly moved into a peace time mode pretty quick. Not so for some of the boys.

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