Location :Dili, Timor Leste
Application Deadline :19-Sep-10
Type of Contract :FTA International
Post Level P-4
Languages Required :
Starting Date :
(date when the selected canditate is expected to start)01-Nov-2010
Duration of Initial Contract :1 Year
Expected Duration of Assignment :2 Years
The Inclusive Finance for the Underserved Economy (INFUSE) programme is a jointly funded effort by the UNCDF, UNDP, Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL). The Programme, which will run through 2012, takes a sector-wide approach, addressing not only the lack of microfinance retail capacity, but also the policy and infrastructure impediments to greater financial inclusion in Timor-Leste. The Programme goal is to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), in particular Goal 1 of cutting absolute poverty by an adjusted 30% by 2015 , by increasing access to sustainable financial services especially for the poor and low-income people in Timor-Leste. Some critical areas of work in Timor-Leste are building the capacity of the few microfinance institutions in the country, promoting financially inclusive policies and regulations, and seeking ways to develop branch-less banking solutions, including mobile phone banking.
INFUSE provides technical advice and assistance to public and private stakeholders as well as performance-based grants and loans to financial service providers and other support organizations through its Fund for Inclusive Finance (FIF). INFUSE is overseen by its Management Committee for Inclusive Finance (MCIF) consisting of its donors.
The Country Technical Specialist (CTS) position is based in the Dili, Timor-Leste and has primary responsibility for overseeing the INFUSE programme. In addition to managing being the technical adviser, the CTS will manage the INFUSE Team and is the representative of INFUSE and UNCDF in the country, is responsible for engaging a wide range of stakeholders ranging from policy makers, financial service providers, associations, and donor agencies.
For technical matters, the Country Technical Specialist reports to and is reviewed by the UNCDF Regional Financial Inclusion Specialist based in UNDP Pacific Centre Suva, Fiji. For daily management and administrative issues, the CTS is supported and reviewed by UNDP Timor-Leste (to Resident Representative or his/her appointee).
As part of UNCDF’s Inclusive Finance Practice Area, the CTS, the CTS will contribute to knowledge management and sharing to promote the best practices in financial inclusion and assist in regional activities of the PFIP which will include travel to the UNDP Pacific Centre.
Duties and Responsibilities
Summary of key functions:
* Manage the INFUSE programme, including the development of annual work plans and budgets, hiring and overseeing INFUSE staff, developing a smoothly functioning programme with the support of UNDP Timor-Leste and UNCDF;
* Manage stakeholder coordination, particularly donor coordination and fundraising, and the Management Committee for Inclusive Finance (MCIF);
* Manage the Fund for Inclusive Finance (FIF), by developing viable financial inclusion projects with partners, presenting quality projects to the MCIF for approval, and developing and monitoring agreements;
* Provide technical assistance to partners and other stakeholders, including assistance in developing strong projects for the FIF;
* Provide technical support to the Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL) on all matters related to inclusive finance;
* Manage a knowledge generation and knowledge sharing effort which includes conducting or commissioning relevant research, bringing global best practices to Timor-Leste and linking Timorese with high quality learning events.;
* Provide corporate support to UNCDF and UNDP, particularly sharing lessons learned with the UNCDF Financial Inclusion Practice and building knowledge through the development and pursuit of a personal learning agenda.
1. Programme Management of the Programme Implementation Unit (PIU):
* Oversee the Programme Implementation Unit (INFUSE Team) in Dili, and provide management and administration oversight of the INFUSE Team;
* Create annual work plans and budgets that cover technical, management and administration, and financial aspects of INFUSE and clearly define indicators and targets for activities;
* Recruit staff and interns including the development of job descriptions, recruitment and interviewing, and selection;
* Oversee work of the team, develop job descriptions, conduct performance reviews and assist staff in fulfilling their work requirements and learning plans;
* Coordinate with relevant UNDP and UNCDF departments of human resources, procurement, IT, travel, finances that provide the necessary support for INFUSE;
* Process procurement of goods and services including, manage and administration of office premises and equipment;
* Manage development of technical consultant, including drafting TORs, working with UNDP TL to determine appropriate recruitment method and implement, review applications and conduct selection, review contracts to ensure accuracy;
* Prepare quarterly, mid-year and annual progress reports (APRs), narrative as well as financial, on progress and results achieved for the GoTL and funders through the MCIF and other reports as required;
* Act as “First Authority” and Project Manager for UNCDF and cost-sharing funds in Atlas (UNDP and UNCDF enterprise resource planning software) and oversee preparation of payments for UNDP and UNCDF approval;
* Review financial reporting and expenditures with Atlas;
2. Donor Coordination, Fundraising and acting as Secretariat for the Management Committee for Inclusive Finance / Well coordinated and informed funders, functional and organized investment committee.
* Build effective and efficient partnerships at the operational level with major donor agencies to coordinate financial inclusion and financial literacy, activities in country, and promote the development and adoption by all funders of Good Practice Principles for Donor Support in line with a GoTL National Policy on Inclusive Finance;
* Promote and assist in the development and adoption by all donor agencies of uniform procedures and formats for appraising, contracting and monitoring recipients of funding support, including in particular a joint reporting format for supported FSPs;
* Provide technical assistance to resident donor agencies as per request, e.g. to review applications received, and source and establish links to international finance sector development resources, notably CGAP and the World Bank/DFID Household data survey for Financial Inclusion;
* Promote the inclusion of new investors in the MCIF, recording and managing commitments, disbursements and programming of Fund contributions;
* Establish and manage the institutional relationships of the Programme with the GoTL, Programme funders, and other stakeholders involved in the sector;
* Mobilize funding for the INFUSE programme.
3. Manage Fund for Inclusive Finance (FIF) and the Management Committee for Inclusive Finance (MCIF), identifying, vetting, and assessing new projects and preparing for MCIF approval/ a diverse mix of strong projects that support PFIP’s outcomes.
* Manage the Fund for Inclusive Finance (FIF) adhering to strategies and guidelines, policies and procedures, eligibility and selection criteria, Requests for Applications and application formats, formats for appraisal, approval, execution, disbursement, monitoring, reporting and completion of loan and grant investments to retail FSPs and (matching) grants to business support service providers, including professional networks, for adoption by the IC;
* Create and publish FIF Requests for Applications, ensure timely receipt, and coordinate screening and selection process of responsive applications;
* Identify potential service providers and develop partnerships between different stakeholders (FSPs, TSPs, private sector, NGOs, government agencies, etc) to create feasible projects and proposals;
* Assist applicants to develop solid business plans and robust, performancebased proposals that could serve as the basis for FIF investment, and identify an appropriate blend of grants, loans, equity and technical assistance for FSPs and business services providers to meet agreed performance targets;
* Serve as Secretariat to the MCIF, organizing all meetings, ensuring that all required documentation is available to facilitate decision-making, and that performance-based agreements with FSPs and business service providers are available for signature upon approval by the MCIF;
* Present proposals for investments and liaise with MCIF members to determine funding interest and approval in specific applications received;
* Assist in preparing performance based agreements (grant and loan documentation) for approved partners and supported by solid and verifiable financial documentation, and recording of progress of fund recipients against targets set;
* Provide financial reporting on resources/expenditures to MCIF members, including the certification of all funds released from the FIF to FSPs;
* Monitor progress of recipient institutions by reviewing and verifying quarterly reported results through field visits, prior to facilitating the posting of participating FSPs’ results on the MIX Market website (;
* Provide FSP financial reports to UNCDF and prepare other reports as required.
4. Provide technical support and Monitor progress of projects and initiatives / Projects are running on time and smoothly, problems are identified early and remedial steps proposed.
* Provide technical assistance as needed to funded FSPs and business services providers, based on their progress against targets to be met in the funding arrangements;
* As needed, help recipients to identify appropriate technical assistance providers, advising on the strengthening of FSPs or network boards of directors and options for institutional/transformation mergers;
* Provide training and capacity building to FSPs on the quarterly reporting requirements;
* Ensure that funded FSPs have a MIS that can produce relevant and accurate on-time portfolio and financial data and meet FIF reporting requirements;
* Conduct regular analysis of any gaps in meeting funding needs (loans, grants, technical assistance, and equity) of FSPs and business services providers. Present options to catalyze sector development for the consideration of the IC;
* Assist MFIs to seek financing from external investors.
5. Knowledge generation and Knowledge Sharing / PFIP and Stakeholders are informed on current trends, market conditions, and special topics as needed.
* Carry out or oversee research and studies, independently or as a counterpart to consultant(s) hired by INFUSE on various issues and undertakings relating to financial inclusion in Timor-Leste;
* Monitor projections and estimated country demand and supply for financial services by the lower segment of the market;
* Provide support in organizing semiannual “information exchange events” or other local learning events, bringing financial inclusion stakeholders and outside experts together;
* Act as resource and point of first contact for issues ore events in Timor-Leste related to financial inclusion for stakeholders, the government, and other donor agencies;
* Act as the information depository and dissemination unit for inclusive finance in Timor Leste;
* Oversee contributions and ensure timely contributions to joint PFIP and INFUSE website (;
* Identify learning, training, and knowledge sharing opportunities for INFUSE, key stakeholders and partners to be supported by INFUSE or others, facilitate travel or scholarship support, if merited;
* Assist organization in identifying learning experiences in other countries;
* On behalf of UNCDF, Make sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice on behalf of INFUSE through identification and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned and contribute, as appropriate, to global knowledge sharing efforts to share information on Timor-Leste’s experience in financial inclusion.
6. Advocacy and Policy support to the GoTL/ Achieving a coherent GoTL policy Framework for Inclusive Finance.
* Serve as technical specialist to GoTL for providing inputs on inclusive finance for national development planning processes;
* Assist GoTL in preparing inputs as required to the long-term National Development Plans and annual priority area working groups;
* Draft, disseminate, revise and present policy documents/legislation and provide analysis and advice to the GoTL as requested on how current policy, legislation and regulation could be improved and new policies be developed and consulted to remove constraints and support the rapid development of an inclusive financial sector;
* Identify legal and regulatory constraints that could hinder the development of an inclusive financial sector, with microfinance as an integral part of the financial system. Ensure policy actions required are clearly identified for GoTL review and action, as needed. Monitor implementation of follow-up actions;
* Assess and to the extent possible within the Work plan and budget meet training needs, including exposure visits to other countries with potential model policy frameworks for inclusive finance.
7. CORPORATE SUPPORT: Provides support to UNCDF and UNDP management on corporate initiatives and activities, focusing on achieving the following results:
* Ensure necessary inputs to UNDP and UNCDF planning and reporting process, supported by the UNCDF Programme Officer in Timor-Leste;
* Participate in UNDP country team strategic planning and reporting;
* Facilitate mid-term and annual programme reviews, as required;
* Represent INFUSE at all levels of the UNDP and the UNCDF (FIPA), including participating in meetings for UNCDF and UNDP as required;
* With the assistance of the UNCDF Programme Officer Timor-Leste, build an effective partnership with UNDP Country Office Timor-Leste and the UNCDF Asia Team (in Bangkok) to ensure timely financial, administrative and procurement support for INFUSE;
* Provide advice and input from country perspective on project UNCDF business plans, management/performance issues, planning and monitoring portfolio performance results, and UNCDF annual/cumulative reporting;
* Liaise with UNCDF offices, including the Pacific Financial Inclusion Programme, UNCDF Asia team, and UNCDF New York;
* Participate in knowledge sharing networks including FIPA and CGAP;
* Comply with all UNDP and UNCDF learning requirements (Atlas, ICDL, Basic Security, etc.).
IV. Impact of Results
The anticipated results of the CTS’s work will be for the Financial Service Providers (FSPs) to attain a minimum combined portfolio of 47,085 poor and low-income borrowers and 72,022 voluntary savings accounts by the end of Programme and Supported FSPs have made clear progress towards sustainability and considerably increased scale as a result of having addressed institutional weaknesses.
In addition, the CTS’s work will result in:
* A national Policy Statement for Inclusive Finance is developed, broadly consulted and adopted by GoTL;
* Enabling legislation is in place to support the expansion and consolidation of the financial sector;
* Coherent, effective and synergetic donor funding based on the national policy framework has been provided;
* At least three private or public sector business support services are available to FSPs in Timor-Leste.
* At least three years demonstrated experience in managing a development programme in the field of microfinance;
* Documented deep technical knowledge and experience in (Micro) Finance Good practices for industry building, and development of inclusive financial systems and products in emerging markets;
* Experience working with community based and rural initiatives, including those related to microfinance;
* Demonstrated experience with FSP institutional development (financial, credit, and human resources management, MIS etc.);
* Preferably some exposure to newer microfinance initiatives including microinsurance, branchless banking, social performance monitoring or other critical areas;
* Experience managing or conducting research, particularly related to financial inclusion;
* Ability to design projects, developing project documents, corresponding budgets, and monitoring and evaluation plans;
* Experience evaluating microfinance projects, conducting financial analysis, establishing and monitoring performance based indicators, and investigating impact;
* Working knowledge of current developments in microfinance, including one or more of the following: branchless banking, microinsurance, social performance, financial literacy.
* Working knowledge of international donor organizations and preferably experience in preparing proposals for funding;
* Bank/MFI management, preferably in an emerging market;
* Strong financial analysis and appraisal skills;
* Excellent speaking and writing skills in English are necessary;
* Knowledge of Tetun, Bahasa Indonesia and/or Portuguese strongly preferred;
* Excellent analytical skills;
* Strong oral and written communication skills;
* Excellent administrative skills, including solid experience in budget management;
* Staff training and capacity building skills;
* Proven ability to manage projects;
* Strong IT skills, including ability to work regularly with MS Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint. Microfinance tools such as the SEEP FRAME, Microfin, and others are also desirable;
* Proven cross-cultural communication.
* Results oriented, taking initiative, setting and achieving goals and milestones;
* Focus on impact and results for clients and stakeholders;
* Excellent organizational, inter-personal, communication and negotiation skills.
* Strong and creative problem solving skills;
* Familiarity with UN/UNCDF rules and procedures is a strong advantage;
* Builds trust in interactions with others;
* Ability to work with high level officials as well as local communities and build trust;
* Approaches challenges creatively and effectively, and resolves conflicts;
* Demonstrates integrity, exhibits high ethical standards;
* Approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude and responds positively to feedback;
* Committed to team work, working with other stakeholders;
* Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure;
* Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities, and resolve problems.
* Demonstrates integrity and fairness by modeling UN values and ethical standards;
* Displays cultural and gender sensitivity and adaptability;
* Treats all persons fairly without favoritism;
* Shows strong corporate commitment;
* Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UNCDF and UNDP.
Required Skills and Experience
* A Masters degree in economics, public/business administration, social sciences, or related discipline.
* A minimum of seven (7) years experience in progressively more responsible positions in the development field, including microfinance;
* At least four years of working in or with microfinance institutions or microfinance support projects;
* Experience in Timor-Leste or a similar region is preferred.
Language Requirements:
* Fluency in English.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
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