Saturday, August 14, 2010

Information Session supporting the EU Call for Proposals "Non State Actors* and Local Authorities in Development"

Information Session supporting the EU Call for Proposals "Non State Actors*
and Local Authorities in Development"

Reference: EuropeAid/130369/L/ACT/TL

Following the publication of the Call for Proposals mentioned above and
launched by the Delegation of the European Union to Timor-Leste, an
information session on this Call will be held on 27 August 2010 at 9.00am,
at Memorial Hall.

To register to attend the event, and for further information, please contact , or call (+670) 7461590. Registration will close
by the 20th August 2010. Please note that attendance will be limited to two
nominated representatives per organisation/group.

For information, the full Guidelines for Applicants are available for
consultation on the following internet site:

* According to the EU, Non-State Actors include: non-governmental organisations, organisations representing indigenous peoples, organisations
representing national and/or ethnic minorities, local traders' associations and citizens' groups, cooperatives, trade unions, organisations representing
economic and social interests, organisations fighting corruption and fraud and promoting good governance, civil rights organisations and organisations
combating discrimination, local organisations (including networks) involved in decentralised regional cooperation and integration, consumer
organisations, women's and youth organisations, teaching, cultural, research and scientific organisations, universities, churches and religious
associations and communities, the media and any non- governmental associations and independent foundations, including independent political


Sesaun Informasaun hodi Suporta Komisaun Eropeia ninia Konvida ba Proposta
ba "Seitor Non Estadu (Non State Actors)* no Autoridade Lokal sira iha

Referensia: EuropeAid/130369/L/ACT/TL

Tuir publikasaun Konvida ba Proposta nebe mensiona iha leten, lansa ona husi
Delegasaun Komisaun Eropeia ba Timor-Leste, sesaun informasaun ida kona ba
asuntu ne'e sei realiza iha dia 27 Augostu 2010, tuku 9:00 dader OTL iha
Memorial Hall

Registu hodi tuir eventu ida ne'e, no informasaun klaru liu tan bele
kontaktu email: ou liga ba numeru (+670) 7461590.
Registu dala ikus sei taka iha dia 20 Agostu 2010. Favor ida fo atensaun
katak, kada organizaun/grupu bele nomeia representante nain rua (2) masimu.

Ba Informasaun, matan dalan (guidelines) tomak kona ba aplikante sira hodi
halo konsultasaun bele hetan iha website:

* Tuir Komisaun Eropeia, Seitor Non Estadu (Non State Actors) inclui: Organizasaun Non Govermental (NGO), organizasaun sira ne'ebe representa povu
indigena, organizasaun sira ne'ebe representa etniku nasional no/ka minoria, asosiasaun grupu negociante local no grupu sidadaun, kooperativa sira, trade
unions, organizasaun sira ne'ebe representa interese social no ekonomiku, organizasaun sira ne'ebe luta hasoru korupsaun no malpratika seluk (fraud)
no promove governasaun diak, organizasaun ba direitu sivil sira no ou organizasaun sira ne'ebe luta kontra diskriminasaun, organizasaun local sira
(inklui rede) ne'ebe involve iha desentralizasaun koperasaun regional no integrasaun, organizasaun ba konsumedor sira, Feto no Juventude nia
organizasaun sira, organizasaun sira kona ba hanorin, kultura, peskija, no sientifiku, universidade, Igreija no asosiasaun relijiozu no komunidade,
media no kualker asosiasaun non-govermental no fundasaun independente, inklui fundasaun politika independenti.

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