Fatin : Dili, Timor-Leste
Durasaun kontratu : Provisoriu ba tempu orentasaun fulan 2, depois hanaruk kontratu ba tinan 1 ka liu.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) ) Buka:
Tezureru/Office / Finance Manager
Office Manager (OM) sei hakna’ar a’an nudar administrasaun senior no finansa/tezureru ba ONG FM Pozisaun ida ne’e sei maneza no administra rekursu humano, financial/tezureru, IT ho sistema procuremento nebe’e persiza hodi suporta ba programa atividades FM. Ba dadaun ne’e FM nia atividades maka dezemvolve participasaun sidadaun ho socidade sivil iha prosesu determinasaun ba dezisaun politika, lejislasaun ho osamentu ba Timor-Leste nia seitor siguransa. Atu hetan informasaun barak konaba asuntu ne’e bele ba vizita FM nia website iha: www.fundasaunmahein.wordpress.com.
Termu ho Referensia
Ho tulun no suporta hosi Direitor Esekutivu ho nia adjuntu , servisu sira nebe’e delega ba Tezureru/Office / Finance Manager maka tuir mai ne’e:
Administra, Maneza ho servisu Financial:
1. Establise sistema financial, rekursu humano, prokuremento ho sistema IT ba FM nia office ho programa.
2. Maneza ho implementa sistema nebe’e temi iha leten ho suporta atividade program.
3. Establise manutensaun ba arkivu relevante ba sistema elektroniku , hardcopy ho formatu elektroniku seluk.
4. Ho tulun ka asistensia hosi Direitor Esekutivuajuda halo relatoriu financial ba donor sira.
5. Halo relatoriu financial ba donor.
6. Ajuda halo rekrutament, no administra servisu ka staff administrasaun nian.
7. Administra ka Maneza siguransa iha FM nia edevisiu ka office.
8. Responsabilidade seluk persiza kuandu hetan delega hosi Direitor Esekutivu
9. Estabelese Sistema Operasaun standar prosedur ba finansa hanesan mymoney, ho seluktan.
Lalaok Relatorio
Tezureru/ Office / Finance Manager, sei servisu hamutuk ho direitor Esekutivuho nia adjuntu ka delagasaun ruma.
Kandidatu sei demonstra tuir kualifikasaun esperensia tuir mai ne’e:
• S1 ka profesiona/diciplina relevante.
• Esperensia maksimum tinan 3 ba pozisaun hanesan.
• Iha konhesementu kona ba ajensia, doadores no rekirementu kona ba asistensia finanseiru
• Iha esperiensia no hatene uja komputador ba programa basiku hanesan MS-Office programs Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
• Esperensia iha organizasaun no iha kapasidade atu halo supervizaun ba staff.
• Personalidade diak no bele servisu iha grupo.
• Hatene kualia/hakerek diak Tetum, Indonezia ho ingles karik persiza.
• Iha karakter nebe forte hanesan obrigasaun nebe presija hodi maneja orsamentu.
Atu aplika ba vaga ne’e, haruka CV ba Nelson Belo, Direitor Esekutivu Fundasaun Mahein iha direktor.mahein@gmail.com. telemovel +670 737 4222.
Vaga ne’e sei taka 26 Agostu 2010. Posisaun ne’e Loke ba Cidadaun Timor-Leste deit.
Atensaun: Lalais keta lakon tempu ba oportunidade ida ne’e ☺!!!
Position Title : Office / Finance Manager
Location : Dili, Timor-Leste.
Duration : Probationary term of two months, with extension up to one year and beyond.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) is seeking:
Office / Finance Manager
The Office Manager will act as the senior administrative and finance officer for the newly established National NGO FM”. This position will manage and administer the human resources, financial, IT and procurement systems required to support the programme activities of FM. At present its primary activity is the development of civil society and citizen participation in the process of determining policy, legislation and budgets for the Timorese security sector. For more information about FM see its website at www.fundasaunmahein.wordpress.com.
Terms of Reference
At the direction, and with the support, of the Executive Director, or his/her deputy, the tasks of the Office / Finance Manager will include the following:
Administrative, Management and Financial Tasks:
1. Establish financial, human resources, procurement and IT systems for FM’s office and programmes.
2. Manage and implement the above mentioned systems in support of programme activities.
3. Establish and maintain files pertaining to the above systems, both in electronic, hardcopy and online formats.
4. With the advice and assistance of the Executive Director Financial donor reporting requirements.
5. Provide financial reporting services for donor reports.
6. Assist in the recruitment of, and oversee the work of support and administrative staff.
7. Oversee the maintenance and security of the FM Office.
8. Other appropriate tasks as agreed with the Executive Director.
Reporting lines
The Office / Finance Manager, will work closely with and report to the Executive Director tor or the Deputy or delegated representative.
The candidate will demonstrate the following qualifications and experience:
• A relevant undergraduate degree with a preference for administration and management disciplines.
• A minimum of 3 years experience in a similar position, either in the private or non-profit sector.
• A demonstrable understanding of donor agency practices and requirements of grantees.
• Experience with basic MS-Office programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. Financial software skills desirable.
• Strong organizational and supervisory skills and experience.
• Good interpersonal skills and team working ability.
• Fluent in Tetum, knowledge Indonesian and English desirable.
• Strong character references are mandatory as the post require handling of funds.
Closing Date16 August 2010. This position is open for Timorese citizens only.
To apply for this position, send a brief email and CV to Nelson Belo, Executive Director Fundasaun Mahein at direktor.mahein@gmail.com. Mobile +670 737 4222.
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